World Arts Organization Online Presents:
with Markus Scott-Alexander, PhD, REAT and musician, Linda Worster
This is a time to come together to make sense of the role of creative exploration, responding to changes within us and around us. It is a time for quiet reflection and vibrant, creative art making. It is a time for personal healing and professional evolution. It is a time for community.
Creating clarity through philosophical inquiry, theoretical explorations, and multi-modal, arts-based practice.
Cost: $950 CDN/$750 USD, or $750 CDN/$500 USD for students and those with limited income. Payable in one or two instalments.
Application Deadline is December 30th, 2024
Send a letter of inquiry and introduction to:
Please include your full name, country of residence and time zone, a brief description of your education and experience, and the primary reason for taking the training. ENROLMENT IS LIMITED. APPLY NOW!
Course Details and Applications
24 Hours Diploma Program delivered over 8 months.
Three hours, one Tuesday a month, via Zoom
Times TBA depending on participants with option to create two classes to accommodate different times zones.
2025 DATES:
January 14, February 11, March 11, April 8,May 13, June 10, July 8, August 5
SESSION ONE: The phenomenon of co-creation.
Learning from nature.
Crystallization theory.
SESSION TWO: Discerning direction.
Where are you coming from?
Intermodal sensibilities.
SESSION THREE: Problems vs. Difficulties.
Understanding the difference between ease and easy.
How do expressive arts practitioners counsel?
SESSION FOUR: Giving form to the unseen.
Artmaking as a way in and a way out.
Embodiment of what you value.
SESSION FIVE: Allowing as the creative force.
Letting go and shaping your life and your work.
Deep play for self-care.
SESSION SIX: Giving permission for newness.
Letting go of old patterns through the arts.
Resource oriented facilitation.
SESSION SEVEN: Creating stillness.
Balance - The art of call and response.
Creating community.
SESSION EIGHT: Taking responsibility for ability
Name it. Claim it. Aim it.
Sustainability in arts-based approaches to service.